Covenant Church has been making a difference and helping to feed the hungry of Oldham County and beyond. Over the past several weeks, you have brought in 1,000 cans of green beans, 1,000 packets of gravy mix, and 500 cans of cranberry sauce. Your generous giving has been taken to High Point Ministries to be included in their Thanksgiving boxes given to those in need in our community.
In addition to your generous giving, Scout Pack 153 collected more than 4,000 food items from the community that will be used in the Blessing in a Backpack program at LaGrange Elementary School. The school identifies children with food insecurity, and we provide bags of easy-to-prepare foods for kids to take home on Fridays. These food bags ensure children have something to eat over the weekend when they don't have access to school lunches.
We also purchased 20 turkeys to support the work of A-One Food Pantry in the west end of Louisville. They care for the needs of the homeless and low-income families. After their normal distribution, this past Saturday, 20 families were left without a turkey. Covenant Church provided the turkeys and helped to deliver them to the family's homes on Monday morning.
Thank you, Covenant Church, for being so generous this holiday season and for sharing the love of Jesus in this very tangible way.