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Safe Sanctuary Training

William Moore

Kids are a vital part of Covenant Church. We have Sunday School, VBS, and ministry programs for our children and youth. We also have a fabulous preschool program. Each week we have nearly 100 kids taking part in scouting programs. We also have a dynamic Sunday evening, children's program, middle high, and senior high youth programs. With all these kids around, it is vital that we keep them safe.

Safe Sanctuary training helps us to protect our kids by having adults who know how to keep young people safe. We also run background checks on all our children and youth ministry leaders. We aim to keep the kids in our care safe in every way possible.

We will have a Safe Sanctuary Training for anyone who volunteers with children or youth in the church on March 11 at 9 AM. This includes Sunday school, children’s church, nursery, and VBS. Please plan to attend, even if you have completed this training in the past.

You can sign up by contacting the church office.

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