The Oldham County Ministerial Association is excited to announce the renewal of the Community Holy Week worship services after the covid years. Worship will be from 12:00-12:30 at the LaGrange Christian Church. Each service will feature a guest minister who will preach on “What Does Holy Week Mean to Me in 2023?”. The preachers are as follows, Monday, William Moore, Covenant Methodist Church, Tuesday, Al Earley, LaGrange Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, George Irvin, LaGrange Christian Church, Thursday, Denise Watts-Wilson, Purposeful JOY!, and Friday, Cam Potts, LaGrange Baptist Church.
Special music will be provided by choirs and vocalists from the community. Lunch will be served from 12:30-1:00 by local churches and is free. An offering will be collected during the service to support the Ministerial Association’s assistance of people in need. Child care will be provided each day. Please come and invite a friend.